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Mar 30, 20241 min read
What is J. S. Bach's most complex piece of music in terms of modulations?
This was a question I was asked recently by a student. The answer is not what you might think it would be. Something from WTC I or II, or...
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Mar 30, 20241 min read
Demystifying Bach's Chaconne in D minor
Demystifying Bach's Chaconne in D minor The Chaconne in D minor from the Violin Sonata no.2 for solo violin has reached almost mythical...
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Sep 16, 20231 min read
Return of the Neapolitan minor II
As mentioned in the first post in this series, the most common use for Neapolitan minor, at least in Bach's WTC I, follows the Hungarian...
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Jul 27, 20232 min read
Harmony without chords?
I recently had a conversation with someone about music for a single line instrument such as a flute. Their argument was that because only...
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Jun 24, 20231 min read
The Modal Method of Music book is out!
After registering the book at the library of ISBN numbers and sorting out barcode matters, my book The Modal Method of Music (M3) is...
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Jun 16, 20232 min read
Demistyfying Bach's Lute Suite II BWV 997: II Fuga
Not as complex as the prelude but still uses: Major, Harmonic minor, Melodic, Neapolitan Major, Neapolitan minor, Neapolitan Major b5,...
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Jun 11, 20231 min read
New bracket for my Gus guitar
I was having backache from all the practise and so the builder of Gus guitars helped me design this bracket. It means I can now play...
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Jun 8, 20232 min read
Demistyfying Bach's Lute Suite II BWV 997
Prelude: Bach uses the scales Major, Harmonic minor, Melodic, Harmonic Major, Hungarian minor, Neapolitan minor, Locrian natural 7,...
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Jun 3, 20231 min read
The role of the Neapolitan minor scale
Easy and simple, first: Used to modulate to the minor key on degree III of the Major scale. In C Major, play any mode from E Neapolitan...
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Jun 2, 20231 min read
The role of the Melodic scale
The Melodic scale, or Melodic minor, has multiple uses when composing. First, it is used to modulate from a Major key to the minor key on...
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May 31, 20231 min read
The role of the Major scale
I was asked recently, as there are 66 scales, and all have rules which govern how they function in music, which I cover in Modal Method,...
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May 24, 20231 min read
Proof copy printed!
Today the printers in Sussex, UK printed the first hard copy of my book 'The Modal Method of Music'. Only a few more steps to go now.
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May 22, 20231 min read
Analysis series in the works
A series of analytical studies of great works of music is underway, using the Method as outlined in my book. Bach's Chromatic Fantasia...
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May 20, 20231 min read
In conversation with printers
In conversation with One-digital printers in Brighton about printing my book, The Modal Method of Music.
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May 19, 20231 min read
Book Update
Recently finished my book on music theory, 'The Modal Method of Music', or M3 for short. In the publishing stage at the moment. Should be...
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